
About Directory


2,000 years have passed and yet we know…

  • Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen (Matthew 4:18-22)
  • Matthew was a tax collector (Matthew 9:9)
  • Luke was a physician (Col. 4:14)
  • Paul was a tent maker (Acts 18:3)
  • and of course, Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6:3)

We need to know the professions of fellow church members today. It’s time to connect so we can bless one another.

Scripture instructs us,

As we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Gal 6:10

Our church directory helps to fulfill this scripture in your life. The only way we can “especially” bless those that are of the household of faith, is to have a means to connect with those members. Additionally, business member directories are a mission and ministry of each local church. They help build a bridge between members, which enables you to connect. Business directories help to prosper the members of our congregation.

Our church directory helps to increase interaction between church members, thus building relationships, trust, and helping business members increase revenue. The intent is to create a friendly, church-community building tool, linking your congregation to business members who provide goods and services.

All church business members are afforded the same size exposure within this directory. Because it’s online, the directory is always current and up-to-date.

Our church member directory is powered by ChristianPages.Com and is provided as a service to our church. If you would like to also locate Christian business professionals outside of our local fellowship, go to ChristianPages.Com to view the statewide Christian directories. As members of the Body of Christ, we are always ON MISSION. Let’s take every opportunity to Bless One Another!